When Autumn vegetable gardening starts, it's time to wrap up with your hat and scarf to get outside and enjoy the gorgeous colours as the leaves fall to the ground. Even though the air will be fresh, and you might be wrapped up with your gardening boots on as well, Autumn gardening is a busy and beautiful time. After Summer harvests, it's time to get ready for Winter and Spring, which means there is a lot to do. But where do you start? We recommend here:
- Rake up fallen leaves
- Mulch beds and borders
- Spruce up containers
- Secure structures
- Harvesting
Raking leaves is a top Autumn vegetable gardening task
When the leaves fall in their numerous autumnal hues, think of them as they hit the ground as natures own way of replenishing the soil. When leaves rot down, they make a perfect leaf mulch for your beds and borders. Rake them up into leaf bags or even plastics sacks, punch some holes in the sides, tie them up and store them in a safe, dry place until the following year. They can be ready in as little as three months up to one year, and you will be able to mulch your borders with it, keeping weeds down and feeding the soil with nutrients.
Autumn vegetable garden means mulching time
One of the most essential and crucial Autumn jobs is mulch beds and borders with some well-rotted organic matter. This is the best way to keep the weeds down and the soil replenished in Spring planting time. Spread a layer of your chosen mulch such as farmyard manure, mushroom compost, a plant-based mix or preferably your homemade compost. Spread a layer of mulch all over your borders and let the nutrients soak into the soil over the Winter months. No digging necessary!
Keep things safe during your time Autumn vegetable gardening
As the weather worsens for the months ahead when you are outside in the vegetable garden, make sure you check over all of your structures to ensure they are safe and won't be damaged or blow over - or worse - blown away!
Autumn vegetable gardening includes harvests
You might have some Summer vegetables still to harvest, so get on top of them before the frosts hit. You may also already be harvesting
- cabbages
- kale
- purple sprouting broccoli
- other brassicas
Maybe even carrots, celeriac and herbs too. Enjoy the harvests as they come and feel satisfied with your year in the garden.
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