It is time to welcome spring into your garden with an abundance of much-needed colour from spring bulbs and tree blossom. The garden birds start to sing, and it’s time for wildlife to wake up from the colder months gone by. As the trees and hedgerows begin to green up and seedlings are growing in the greenhouse, this time of year is a welcome treat of hope for the warmer months ahead.
Get outside and welcome spring into your garden
One of the best ways to welcome spring is to get out and start work on your garden. It’s a good time of year to add some well-rotted organic matter to your flower and vegetable beds plus trimming back any perennials you left for winter interest and wildlife food and shelter. You can start putting all of your plans in place for the year ahead and before too much starts growing, make sure all of your hard landscaping is in top condition. Nothing like being outside with the spring sunshine on your face.
Welcome spring into your garden with some cut flowers
The spring bulbs will be blooming now with Daffodils giving their best show and Crocus along with the first of the Tulips on the way. These colourful bulbs at this time of year can lift the spirits, and we know that just looking at flowers can make us feel good. So, get outside and welcome spring with a big breath and absorb some nature.
Spruce up your containers to welcome spring into your garden
Do you have some old garden pots? Perhaps they need some new compost and spring flowers to brighten up the patio or balcony. They can also look lovely at the front of the house as they are a great welcome to visitors. Remove the top few inches of compost and dig in some new compost and mulch before planting up with some colourful spring flowers of your choosing.
Welcome spring into your garden and lots of wildlife
The birds are singing, so that means it is nesting time. Garden birds such as the Robins and Blackbirds will be looking for safe places to call home and look after their offspring. Make sure you have some nesting boxes up ready and plenty of natural materials in the garden for the birds to collect for nesting materials. When you welcome them in, they will come and make spring even more special for you.