Spring Flowering Bulbs are amongst our favourite garden flowers, they herald the start of the growing season and provide wonderful colour from very little effort. Traditionally planted as dry bulbs during the autumn, spring bulbs are also available ready potted from January. Being ready potted, these bulbs are already shooting away and can soon be bursting into flower in your containers, beds and borders.Our top 5 spring flowering bulbs available now ready potter are:
1. Dwarf Narcissus (Dwarf Daffodil) – Daffodils are the epitome of spring with their yellow bobbing heads bring a smile to the face. They are easy to grow and there is a vast range of varieties. Dwarf varieties are ideal for containers or around shrubs in your borders. Why not try Narcissus ‘Jetfire’, a lovely variety, growing to around 20cm in height, they have bright yellow flowers with orange trumpets.
2. Hyacinthoides non-scripta (British Bluebell) – the classic wildflower of British woodland, bluebells are distinctive and charming. British Bluebells can be distinguished from the Spanish counterparts by the naturally arching stems with the flowers growing predominately inside the arch. Bluebells are ideal for under planting deciduous trees and shrubs.
3. Anemone – these enchanting plants bear daisy-like flowers in several colours. They prefer free draining soil and look beautiful planted in swaths amongst deciduous shrubs to bring a splash of spring colour. We recommend Anemone blanda White to really brighten your garden.
4. Tulipa (Tulip) – famous for their range of vivid colours, Tulips can brighten even the dullest of days with their cheerful flowers. Dwarf varieties are available ready potted and are perfect for bringing vibrancy to your containers or beds. Ever popular amongst Tulip lovers are red varieties and we particularly like Tulipa ‘Red Riding Hood’ AGM. Growing 15-30cm in height this lovely Tulip has vivid red flowers and distinctive green leaves with purple markings throughout.
5. Muscari (Grape Hyacinth) – not to be confused with Hyacinths, Muscari flowers are born in small cone-shaped clusters resembling a tiny bunch of grapes. They are held on slender stems above foliage of narrow, arching green leaves. Most often found in blue these striking flowers are easy to grow and will grow vigorously in well-drained soil.
If you're not sure which spring flowering bulbs are right for your garden come and visit us in-store where our helpful team are always on hand to offer advice and we have some fantastic special offers.