It is an exciting time for gardeners, with new research, products and innovative techniques being introduced to help with environmental issues, wellbeing and community. The garden trends forecast reports we may see an increase in these areas:
Urban greenery
With urban environments continuing to grow, many reports are showing the need for more greenery in cities. We will start to see more innovative methods of growing on balconies, car parks and open spaces. Green roofs, hotel exteriors and roundabouts may become homes for plants to encourage wildlife. This not only makes a city aesthetically pleasing but also gives a sense of pride for the community and not only will people flourish but so will the wildlife we need.
Soil improvement
Over many years soil erosion, deforestation and other damaging ways have proved bad for our soil across the world as we lose far too much of our top soil to farm food in decades to come. In our gardens, we are learning the benefits of soil not just for our health and wellbeing but the role it plays in giving life to everything we grow. The emphasis will shift not on instant gratification plants but gardening practices and plants that can help regenerate the soil. Without good soil, nothing can grow so home composting and gardening styles will shift to organic and regenerative methods.
Garden biodiversity
As we are becoming more conscious of the decisions that we make that impact the environment we will see gardeners looking at ways to increase biodiversity in bot rural and urban environments. More science is showing which plants bees and other insects prefer and so gardeners will start to plant more of these to encourage specific insects into the environment. This means more wildflowers, less formal lawns, the creation of more wildlife ponds to create homes for amphibians and growing shrubs and trees to provide homes and food for garden birds and bats. People will start to choose only plants that bees and other insects can easily reach the nectar in order for them to help pollinate and bee hotels, bat and bird boxes will continue to be used.
There is no sign that the houseplant trend is decreasing. In fact it is growing at a fast rate as the younger generation lives in urban environments without a garden. Our understanding of environmental issues, the knowledge that houseplants are good for wellbeing and the fact they make homes look so much better means this is a trend that’s here to stay. Moving the garden outside could become a trend, as temperatures climb we may see people experimenting with plants that we generally grow indoors, to see how well they grow in the garden. It is an exciting time for greening up the home.
Improve your soil, plant for pollinators and pick up a houseplant! We have everything you need in store to be on trend for 2020.