The jewels of the winter garden, Hellebores come out in all of their glory to offer us beautiful blooms when most plants are dormant.
November is the best time of year to choose Hellebores for your garden as we have the largest selection available. You’ll be able to select varieties that flower at different times throughout the winter months, giving you a continued show of heavenly blooms. Many of the varieties we have available are lovingly grown on our own nursery here at Cowell’s.
All Hellebores are very hardy and perennial for many years when grown in appropriate conditions. They are best grown in partial shade and a fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Suitable for beds, borders, pots, containers and woodland areas, Hellebores are versatile and make a great addition to any garden.
Helleborus Gold Collection®
Only the most precious and long-lived varieties are admitted to the Helleborus Gold Collection® (HGC®). They aren't just hardy and easy to care for, but are also very versatile, suitable for gardens and in the home, in pots and flower arrangements alike. If planted in the right place, these winter flowers will charm us with their fascinating winter flowers and evergreen leaves for decades on end. Look out for HGC® to be assured of the very best varieties. More information on the Helleborus Gold Collection®, including care tips, can be found here
Helleborus niger
The first of the Hellebores to flower, Helleborus niger also known as Christmas Rose, begin flowering in early winter ahead of the festive season and will withstand the harsh winter weather to flower right through until March. They will happily grow in pots or containers making them an idea addition to your doorstep or patio area. We recommend:
- Helleborus niger ‘Christmas Carol – particularly early flowering with lovely white blooms
- Helleborus niger 'HGC® Joel' ℗ – pure white, slightly ruffled, open flowers
- Helleborus niger 'HGC® Jonas' ℗ - large white open flowers with overlapping petals
Orientalis Hybrids
Helleborus orientalis, also known as Lenten Rose, flower from January to April with large, cup-shaped flowers ‘nodding’ above lush, glossy green foliage. The range offers a varied selection of flower colours with contrasting yellow stamens, some of our favourites are:
- Helleborus orientalis 'Cinderella' – a striking variety bearing masses of white flowers spotted with deep pink
- Helleborus orientalis 'HGC® Madame Lemonnier'℗ - huge dusky pink flowers with a large central boss of stamens
- Helleborus orientalis 'Magic Green' – offers a range in shades of lime, green and yellow
Spring Promise® Series
The Spring Promise® series offers growers and gardeners a turning point in the Helleborus x hybridus breeding because the varieties of this series are propagated by division. Because of this breakthrough the Spring Promise® series can guarantee true-to-type varieties and 100% first year flowering uniformity. The varieties of the Spring Promise® series must pass the same stringent criteria for breeding and production that the Helleborus Gold Collection® are required to pass. These standards set the bar for reliability in production and garden performance. Flowering from January to April, this series offers some very distinctive varieties including:
- Helleborus 'Spring Promise® Anja Oudolf' ℗ - fabulous creamy-yellow flowers veined and flushed with deep rose-pink.
- Helleborus 'Spring Promise® Elly' ℗ - beautiful, double flowers with slightly ruffled petals in bright pink. These have a showy veining and speckles in dark pink.
- Helleborus 'Spring Promise® Sally' ℗ - wonderful yellow, single flowers with a green hue.
Frostkiss® Series
By crossbreeding several types, the breeders have produced a super strong, frost-resistant hellebore with colourful flowers and magnificent foliage. The marbled pattern on the foliage is an absolute pleasure for the eyes and makes the plant attractive beyond the flowering season. Flowering from January to April, amongst our favourites in this series are:
- Helleborus Frostkiss® ‘Cheryl’s Shine’ – pretty light pink flowers
- Helleborus Frostkiss® ‘Molly’s White’ – a vigorous variety with clear white flowers
- Helleborus Frostkiss® ‘Penny’s Pink’ – deep pink blooms held on red stems
Harvington® Hybrids
Harvington Hellebores® are hardy perennials with beautiful large flowers from December through to the end of March and dark green glossy evergreen foliage providing year round interest. Easy to grow, excellent garden plants they reliably provide winter colour year after year. Harvington Hellebores® are selected for clarity of flower colour, attractive foliage, vigour and frost hardiness. They are also propagated and grown in the British Isles, our picks from this collection are:
- Helleborus Harvington® 'Double Apricot' - lovely double apricot blooms with a subtle deep pink fleck
- Helleborus Harvington® 'Double Red' – deep red double flowers make a strong display
- Helleborus Harvington® 'Picotee' – large white flowers edged and marked with pink and maroon
Our full range of Helleborus can be found here. If you're not sure which Hellebore will be best for you our friendly team are always happy to help and advise.