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Guide to getting the garden ready for winter

Guide to getting the garden ready for winter

As the colder months have arrived and the wet, windy weather is more prevalent than sunny days, it means it is time to get the garden ready for winter. It is really important to prepare everything needed in advance to ensure your plants, accessories and furniture all make it through the cold, wet weather-ready for the springtime and for you to enjoy during the summer. These guide will help you get everything ready in time. 


What do you need to get ready? 

  • Furniture
  • Soil 
  • Pots and containers 
  • Plants 
  • Accessories 


Get the garden ready for winter and protect your furniture 

If you have some garden furniture make sure it gets protected from the elements. If you have space, store your garden table and chairs undercover in a shed or a garage but if you don’t have space, garden table covers can do a great job protecting your furniture. So cover them over and then secure them down so they don't blow off in the wind. 


Prepare the soil by getting the garden ready for winter 

It has been a long growing season and your plants will have used up all of those nutrients in the soil to flower. If you rake up all of your leaves and store them in black sacks with holes in, the following year that will turn into a great mulch for your soil. If you use that to replenish the soil and protect your perennials, that will be a great way to get the garden ready. Alternatively, give the soil a good covering of the well-rotted organic garden matter.


Get the garden ready for winter by cleaning your pots 

If you have used pots and containers, give them a good clean with warm soapy water then store them somewhere safe and dry. If you have plants growing in pots and containers, lift them up onto pot feet or bricks to improve the drainage throughout the wetter weather. 


Plants need preparing to get the garden ready for winter

If you haven’t already, make sure your perennials are cut back before the frosts but leave some as they are for wildlife to enjoy the seeds and places to hide in winter. Put the cut off stems and foliage into the compost bin and give the plants a good mulch. 


Don’t forget your garden accessories to get the garden ready for winter 

If you have anything in the garden that may blow away or get damaged in the wet, windy weather make sure it is secured down or moved into a safe place. If you have fairy lights up, take them down and store them until next year.