Hydrangea 'French Bolero'
At IPM Essen 2019 (the World's leading horticultural trade show) Hydrangea 'French Bolero' was awarded the Bronze medal for third place in the 'Show us your Colour Award'
'French Bolero' is a new variety bred from two different species of Hydrangea, much like the incredibly popular 'Runaway Bride'. From its parent H. scandens, 'French Bolero' has the very original characteristic of having flowers that flourish all along its branches and not only at the end and from it's other parent, H.macrophylla, 'French Bolero' has large florets and the ability to evolve from pink to blue depending on the soil.
'French Bolero' will bring style to any garden with it's compact, elegant form being and suitable for beds, borders or containers where it will flower prolifically throughout the summer months.