National Children’s Gardening Week - 25th May to 2nd June, is a week full of encouraging children to enjoy gardening and plants. It is incredibly important to teach children the importance of gardening, growing your own food and being outside in the fresh air. Gardening can help children learn new skills, understand where food comes from and the importance of wildlife. Also, it can raise self-esteem and confidence and even help with anxiety and social skills. So what can you enjoy in the garden with your children during National Children’s Gardening Week? Here are some ideas below:
Learn to grow some easy salads during National Children’s Gardening Week
A great way to show children how to grow their own food is to use easy and quick crops. Sowing seeds such as cut and come again lettuce, rocket, pea shoots and cress are ideal because they germinate really quickly and can be harvested in just weeks. You can sow in seed trays or pots but why not make it fun as well and use painted egg cartons, or cut down drinks bottles, even used food tin cans decorated with anything that captures the imagination.
For National Gardening Week have a Sunflower competition
Who doesn't love a Sunflower!? What better way to have some fun in the garden between siblings and friends than a Sunflower growing competition. Sunflowers are another seed that germinates well and from that tiny seed grows a tall, bright and beautiful flower. It’s a classic plant to grow for children and the reward of growing the tallest Sunflower or the biggest flower in the Summer is well worth getting the seeds sown during National Gardening Week.
It’s National Gardening Week so why not learn about nature
One of the best ways to learn about the garden is to look at the surroundings close to you and note what you see. Children can spot trees, plants, wildlife and write them down or draw them to then learn more. So if you see a tree that you can't identify why not draw the leaf shape and describe it in writing to then ID it. This can be really good fun and a great way to learn.
National Gardening Week is a great time of year for planting
By the end of May, all frosts should have passed and its time to plant vegetables and flowers out in the garden or down the allotment. Why not take a trip to the garden centre where you can also enjoy some refreshments and let the children choose a plant to take home and plant in the garden. It will be great to then watch the plants bloom during the Summer.