We've selected a few shrubs from our nursery to showcase some beautiful Autumn colour, showing how different foliage colours and shapes can combine to create a wonderful palette in the garden border. Every planting space should have some shrubs to keep the colour going when the perennials have ran out of steam! With some varieties choosing Autumn to bring berries and flowers, the plants can also be a valuable food source for local wildlife.
Follow the links below for detailed information on each plant:
- Ceanothus 'Dark Star'
- Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Winter Ruby'
- Berberis 'Neon'
- Aucuba 'Crotonifolia'
- Lophomyrtus 'Magic Dragon'
- Viburnum 'Lisa Rose'
- Ilex 'Blue Maid'
- Ilex 'Casanova'
- Euphorbia 'Miner's Merlot'
- Abelia 'Magic Daydream'
- Pittosporum 'Bannow Bay'
- Berberis 'Orange Ice'
- Myrtus 'Variegata'
- Nandina 'Gulf Stream'