With summer just around the corner, the May garden boasts a bounty of beautiful flowers and colourful foliage. If you are to walk around our outdoor plant area this week, you will be greeted by these fabulous colours and this image includes some of our favourites.
When we think of flowers for the summer garden, our first thoughts are often of annual bedding plants with their amazing show of colours, but our selection shows the variety of colour available from climbers, shrubs and perennials.
Click on the name of each plant below to learn more about it:
- Dicentra 'White Gold'
- Coprosma 'Pacific Sunset'
- Clematis 'Hadley'
- Osteospermum 'Tresco Purple'
- Heucherella 'Pink Revolution'
- Geranium 'Jolly Jewel Red'
- Trollius 'Cheddar'
- Berberis 'Orange Ice'
- Celosia 'Deep Purple'
- Lavandula stoechas
- Lonicera 'Scentsation'
- Geum 'Scarlet Tempest'
- Wisteria 'Amethyst Falls'