Cytisus, commonly known as Broom, are fantastic spring flowering shrubs. Clusters of small flowers, in a range of colours, are held on long stems to create an eye-catching display. Their foliage is usually deciduous and made of up of small green leaves.
A staple of many gardens, Cytisus are easy to grow and suitable for various garden styles, including those in tricky coastal areas. They grow best positioned in full sun and planted in well-drained soil. They are very tolerant of poor soil and drought tolerant once established, but don't grow well in excessively chalky soil. A welcome addition to the garden, Cytisus are useful source of nectar for bees and are rabbit resistant.
Our favourite Cytisus are:
Cytisus 'White Lion' - compact but vigorous carrying masses of beautiful white flowers on arching stems in late spring
Cytisus 'Apricot Gem' - small, vigorous shrub with an abundance of pretty apricot flowers in late spring
Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby' - naturally small and rounded, this vigorous variety boasts masses of small, ruby red flowers in spring and early summer
Cytisus 'Lena' - warm, golden orange-yellow flowers cover this pretty, compact shrub
Cytisus x praecox- a bushy shrub with small, neat green foliage, and developing masses of lemon yellow flowers in late spring.
Planting your Cytisus
After you have selected your new Cytisus and chosen the perfect sunny position for it in your garden it is time to plant it out. Begin by watering the plant while it is still in the pot then dig a hole approximately twice the depth and width of the pot. Put some compost in your hole and sprinkle over some Rootgrow to establish the roots. Remove the plant from the pot and place it in the hole; ensure it is level with the ground and that none of the stems are buried. Backfill the hole and use your heel to firm the soil around the shrub (don't get too close to the stems). Finally, water the shrub well allowing water to pool in the top before draining away. It is good practice to add some mulch on top of the soil (not too close to the root ball) to prevent the plant from drying out and to keep weeds at bay.
Caring for Cytisus
When grown in the optimal conditions, Cytisus are very easy to care for and require little in the way of attention. To encourage healthy growth and improve flower production, they are best pruned annually, although this is not essential. Pruning should be done after the plant has finished flowering to give time for new growth over the summer months as this will be where the following year's flowers are produced. It is important not to cut into the older, woody stems as these will not produce new growth.
We think that Cytisus are Spring Superstars and every garden should have at least one! We have a range available in-store and on-line and our friendly team of experts are always on hand to help you choose the perfect plant for your garden.