Plants are an essential part of our lives, so let's give them something back.
When you think of plants, you might think of the snake plant that sat on your grandparents’ windowsill, or the spiky cactus in your office meeting room. Yet plants also cover the steppes and tundras, and make our countryside green and picturesque. Just think of the heather on the moor, or the forests alongside motorways — and what about the fruit and vegetables we eat? These green beings we share our planet with provide us with enormous abundance and riches. We could do with thanking them more often.
No life without plants
The history of plants is part of the history of the Earth itself. They are essential for our planet's survival. Thanks to their ability to convert sunlight into energy via photosynthesis, plants are the world's main producers of oxygen, and also the basis for most food chains. In terms of evolution, the existence of animals on land could only occur after plants had arrived. Without them, there would be no oxygen, no food, no animals — and we wouldn't exist, either.
What plants do for you
It has now been proven that plants in the house make your life a lot more pleasant. They provide relaxation and improve air quality. They help create a holiday feeling, promote mindful living and can turn a corner of your home into a zen retreat.
Do you want to make every room in your house a bit greener? This green style guide full of plant tips will help you! Or dry your favourite herbs and spread a wonderful scent throughout the house. Making things greener is, of course, the most fun when you do it together. Engage your kids in a greener home with these playful tips, or visit a forest together and take that relaxed, green feeling home with you.
Plants in your home office
Don't forget to provide your home office with plants. They benefit your creativity and productivity! With these tips, you can make your home office a bit greener in no time at ll. Why not create a beautiful plant wall for your video calls which will also benefit your work. And are you familiar with the effect of colour on your career ? Discover what a green, orange or pink home office can do for you, get the best out of yourself and boost your career!
Since plants do so much for us, it would be a lovely gesture to give them some extra attention in return. So make the effort to get to know these living things. Water them regularly, give them a feed, and polish their leaves until they shine. They really do thrive on that — and it will give you a boost too. Houseplants are more than just home decor objects, they're well and truly alive. Plants are life itself. Thanks, plants.