Even the shadiest room in the house deserves a houseplant to add a touch of style. This list of some of the best indoor plants for dark rooms will help you find the perfect plant for any shady space.
6 Houseplants that don’t need much light
The Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) gets its name because it’s very hard to kill! It can cope with drought, low light and general neglect; in return, it’s excellent at cleaning the air. Don’t over-water it – let the compost dry out before watering to avoid root rot. Wipe the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth to remove dust.
Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is also known as Devil’s Ivy, thanks to its ability to grow in various conditions. Its heart-shaped variegated leaves will show stronger colour in bright indirect light, but it will also grow happily in low light. The long stems can be trained to climb upwards on supports or allowed to trail elegantly. Allow the compost to dry out between waterings and mist occasionally to increase the humidity around the plant.
The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the classic plants for shady rooms, with large glossy green leaves and occasional elegant white hooded flowers. It grows well in indirect light and likes to be watered regularly, preferably with rainwater or filtered water. Peace Lilies are good at removing toxins from the air.
The Snake Plant (Sansevieria) is excellent for anyone struggling to keep a houseplant alive. With long, upwards-pointing variegated leaves, this tough, reliable plant looks extraordinary and contemporary and copes well with shade and neglect. Let the compost dry out between waterings to avoid root rot.
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) forms a compact clump of glossy green leaves. It grows well in low light levels, although the variegated varieties will have better colour in bright indirect light. Water regularly and mist occasionally.
Spider Plants (Chlorophytum) will grow in most positions out of direct light. They will tolerate some neglect, but remember to water them regularly. Spider plants are very easy to propagate and make great gifts for family and friends. Cut off the baby spider plants that occasionally appear on long stems, pot them up in individual pots and grow on.
Come in and see the wide range of beautiful houseplants in our centre today. You’re sure to find one that’s just right for you!