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Get To Know... Shrubs

They bring colour, interest and structure to your garden. 

Shrubs play an important role in the garden ecosystem, as well as providing structure, year-round colour and interest.

What is a shrub?

Shrubs are woody plants that come in all shapes and sizes. They tend to be smaller than trees and are either evergreen or deciduous (lose their leaves in winter). Unlike some other plants, shrubs don't die back over the winter months and last many years.

Cowell's offers a wide range of flowering shrubs, evergreen shrubs and beautifully coloured foliage shrubs. Check out our range or visit our garden centre in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Shrubs - Cowell's

Hebe shrubs - Cowell's

Why you should grow shrubs

Here are five reasons you should grow shrubs in the garden: 

  1. They provide structure to your beds and borders.
  2. They provide colour and interest throughout the year.
  3. They are great for wildlife = they provide food, shelter, shade and nesting grounds.
  4. Larger varieties can be used to increase privacy in your garden.
  5. They are low maintenance and generally easy to care for.

Good for Wildlife

Shade-loving Shrubs

Planting Tips

Shrubs can be planted all year round, but autumn is nature's natural time to plant. Bear in mind where you want to plant your shrubs before deciding which to buy as different varieties require different levels of light. When planting your shrub, dig a hole approximately twice the depth and width of the pot. Water is well while it is still in the pot. 

Put some compost in your hole and sprinkle over some Rootgrow to establish the roots. Remove the shrub from the pot and place it in the hole; ensure the shrub is level with the ground and that none of the stems is buried. 

Backfill the hole and use your heel to firm the soil around the shrub (don't get too close to the stems).

Finally, water the shrub well allowing water to pool in the top before draining away. It is good practice to add some mulch on top of the soil (not too close to the root ball) to prevent the plant from drying out and to keep weeds at bay. 

Lavandula - Shrubs - Cowell's

Care Tips

Generally, shrubs are low maintenance, so they don't require too much care. Whether you're a professional grower or do not have a green thumb at all, shrubs are always a good idea.

If you give your shrubs a little bit of love, and the little care they need, they will definitely thrive in your garden. All shrubs need regular watering after planting, especially in the first year. Once established they should take care of themselves.

Shrubs in pots or containers require more care because they don't have the ability to get their nutrients from the soil. In this case, they need regular watering all the way through spring and summer and add an organic fertilizer to keep them fed.

If you plant shrubs in beds or borders, they will thrive with just a little watering. We recommend feeding shrubs with a general-purpose fertiliser regularly throughout the growing season.