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Christmas Tree Care Tips

A fresh Christmas tree can make the festive period extra special! From the fun of choosing your own, perfect tree to the joy of decorating with twinking lights and beautiful ornaments. To keep your fresh tree looking at it's best throughout the festive period, follow our top 5 Christmas tree care tips:

  1. Keep outside in a cool place - you will find the greatest selection of fresh trees available late November/early December, so this is the best time to choose yours. Don't worry if you would like to wait until nearer Christmas before putting the tree up though; they can be stored outside until you're ready and the cooler temperatures will help to keep them fresh.
  2. Trim the trunk - cut at least 2cm from the bottom of the trunk when you are ready to bring the tree inside. This is important to help with the uptake of water and can be done earlier if you pop the tree into a bucket of water outside.
  3. Shake the tree - before bringing your tree indoors, give it a good shake to remove any loose needles
  4. Water your tree - a tree can drink 5 litres of water in the first 24 hours after being cut. If you forget to water your tree, it will dry out and lose its freshness. A good Christmas tree stand will have a reservoir for water, check it daily and keep it topped up as needed.
  5. Keep your tree away from direct heat - choose a position in your home away from direct heat sources such as a fire or a radiator to help it from drying out too quickly.



Christmas Tree Recycling

Local Authorities offer Christmas tree recycling at several locations throughout the North-East. More information can be found on their websites.
Alternatively, St. Oswald’s Hospice offer a Tree-cycle service where, for a donation, their team will come and collect your tree. More information can be found here