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How To Grow Your Own Salad

How To Grow Your Own Salad

Summer is the time to harvest your own salad and there is nothing like eating your own homegrown food. It is totally true what gardeners say, and that is home-grown tastes best! At this time of year, when you grow your own food, you’ll find plenty of harvests from squash to brassicas, onions, fruit and delicious summer salads, and it's not too late to sow some quick cropping edibles even in July. To make sure you get the most from your space, here are some ideas for sowing, growing and harvesting your salads. 

Why you should grow your own salad 

Growing your own salad is really easy, and especially for beginner gardeners, it is a great place to start when growing your own food. The ideal thing about growing salad is that most can be grown in small spaces, in pots and containers and even on windowsills, so space isn’t a problem. Most salads are sown from spring through summer and harvested just a few weeks later, depending on what you are growing, so are great for late . Sow into a good quality peat-free compost and keep moist. If you start salads off before the last frost in spring, the seeds and plants will need protecting with a cloche or horticultural fleece, and using a greenhouse or polytunnel is ideal. For seeds sown in Summer, germination will be quick and warm temperatures mean no protection is necessary.

Grow your own salad

Know what type of salad to grow 

There are so many to choose from. You could try the following:

All can even be grown in the same container if needed. 

How to grow all year to harvest your own salad 

There is some lettuce that can be grown over the colder months with some protection, such as ‘Winter Gem’ and oriental greens such as mizuna and mustard greens, along with radicchio. Alternatively, grow microgreens which are essentially just the seedlings of many edible plants. Grow cress, herbs, peas, radish, chard, beetroot and many more in trays on a light windowsill and harvest them when they are no taller than 10cm - packed full of nutrition. 

Harvest radish

Know when to harvest your own salad

In warm weather or if plants get stressed, they will go to seed very quickly. This means they will shoot up, flower and set seed. This is their natural life cycle, but if this occurs the salad will likely taste bitter - but you can collect the seeds for re-sowing. If you are growing cut-and-come-again salads, you definitely want to keep on top of harvesting, so they carry on growing. Mostly just keep on harvesting regularly to encourage fresh growth. Successionally sowing is also an option, meaning sowing at about two weekly intervals to ensure each batch matures at different times to prevent a glut of crops!

Visit us in store and pick up your packets of salad seeds to grow at home.